Atomic energy can be
used in many ways and for many purposes. It can also be used to bring peace and
prosperity to the whole of this earth. It can also be used to destroy this
world and its inhabitants. It can do anything. It can perform miracles if we
have the power and wisdom to use if only for peaceful purpose. If we do not
possess that much wisdom, man has not many years to live on this earth.
Today, atomic energy
produces electricity for use on earth and in space. This electric power is
produced by nuclear reactors. A nuclear reactor is an advanced type of furnace
or a machine which uses uranium or some other atomic fuel to produce heat. This
heat is then converted into electricity.
At present
electricity produced by atomic energy is not as cheap as that obtained through
conventional means. But as the nuclear reactors become more efficient and
economical, they will be able to produce electricity at much less cost. It is
hoped that in future huge amounts of electricity will be provided by the
nuclear reactors.
It is not electricity
alone that we can get from the atom. The reactors also make radio-isotopes.
There radio-isotopes emit radiation. They are used in agriculture, medicine and
industry. The radio-isotopes are often called the silent servant of man.
Today more than
thirty different radio-isotopes are used for the diagnosis and treatment of
disease. Many dreadful diseases like cancer are being successfully treated with
In agriculture,
radio-isotopes are playing a very important part in producing better crops.
With the help of radio-isotopes food can be stored for a long time; without the
danger of damage or deterioration.
In industry,
radio-isotopes are used in a thousand ways to improve the quality of goods. The
research on atomic energy is going on. In future many new peaceful uses of this
energy will be found. The day is not far off when atomic energy will be used in
space ships, the aircraft, the sea ships, the railway train and so many other
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